Home News Education Happy World Wildlife Day – Listen to Young Voices

Happy World Wildlife Day – Listen to Young Voices

March 3 is World Wildlife Day and this year the theme is ‘Listen to the young voices’. Inspiring young people to become the conservationists of the future is fundamental to what we do at DSWF. By funding education programmes across Africa and Asia and here in the UK, we are able to reach thousands of young people helping to create understanding and empathy for wildlife survival.

But, even closer to home, in the office at DSWF,  almost half the team are young people who work with passion and enthusiasm to support our aims: to save endangered wildlife.

They represent a new generation that cares…

“Generations before me didn’t even know what pangolins were; today we are discovering more about them every day and using that information to help protect these unique and amazing mammals from extinction.”
Georgia Boatman, Individual Giving Fundraiser

“Before working at DSWF I knew little about the world’s big cats. Now, through my work, I am learning more about tigers and snow leopards, helping to spread awareness about the huge threats they face. It’s up to us to ensure that future generations still get to enjoy these incredible creatures before it is too late.”
Luke Judd, Marketing & Comm’s Assistant

“Continuing my grandfather’s legacy as a third-generation Shepherd I feel strongly that it’s up to us, a generation with more social and global mobility than ever before, to help raise awareness for conservation.”
Georgina Lamb, Programmes & Policy Manager

“The world around us has evolved over millions of years to create a perfect equilibrium; we shouldn’t be the ones to disturb that. Through protecting endangered wildlife like elephantsrhinos and the African painted dog, we are protecting the habitats they have been shaping for millennia.”
Shauna Rees, Fundraising and Events Administrator

Help us to continue this important work, help us inspire and be inspired by young people by donating to support our education programmes today.


Watch our video to listen to young voices from Zambia speaking about how they can help to heal the world…

“In the end we will only conserve what we love. We love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.” Baba Dioum, IUCN address 1968

Message from UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Poaching and illegal trafficking pose a significant threat to wildlife, especially some of the world’s most iconic and endangered species.  Strict enforcement of laws is important, but so too is awareness.  As consumers, we have the power to demand that all wildlife products come from sustainable sources.  I particularly appeal to young people to protect their inheritance by becoming informed and acting to protect wild animals and plants from the threat of extinction.

You can discover more about World Wildlife Day here