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Every purchase that you make can contribute to DSWF without costing you anything extra, it’s as easy as the name suggests now that you can fundraise for us for free with EasyFundraising!

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
James Kydd

What is EasyFundraising?

EasyFundraising is a simple and effective way to raise funds for DSWF without any additional effort or cost on your part. By shopping at your favourite online retailers through EasyFundraising, a percentage of your purchase amount is donated directly to us.

How Does it Work?

  1. Sign up to create an account for free on EasyFundraising – https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/dswf/
  2. Choose David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation as the cause you want to support.
  3. Add the donation reminder browser prompt.
  4. Shop online as usual and with every purchase you make, a portion of the total amount is automatically donated to support our endangered species protection funds.

Why Choose EasyFundraising?

Effortless Giving: Support us effortlessly while doing your usual online shopping.

No Extra Costs: EasyFundraising doesn’t add any extra costs to your purchases – you just continue on shopping as usual.

Impactful Contributions: Every donation, no matter how small, adds up and makes a meaningful difference to the lives of the countless species and communities across the world that we support!

Ready to get started? Click [here] to sign up and make a difference today!