We refreshed our education strategy in 2022 with a new core aim, 4 new programme principles and 4 cross-cutting themes for the children and young people to explore.
Our core aim is to support children and young people to become effective advocates for wildlife conservation and biodiversity.
We need to build capacity in the children and young people that engage with our education programme. They need to practice the skills of advocacy in low stakes, private settings to build confidence and knowledge. They need to acquire the necessary vocabulary and develop an understanding of biodiversity, the complexities of conserving habitats, endangered animals, and the local communities around them. All those that engage with our programme will benefit, helping them thrive in the global workplace, to find their place in society and contribute to a greener future.
As the programme gets larger and more complex, it is important to clearly state the principles that will guide the development of the content. When questions arise, these fundamental programme principles will drive decision making. These principals are:
The learning content will be wide ranging and often contain complex ideas. To help, all programme delivery will focus on a small range of common cross-cutting themes that can be revisited again and again. The cross-cutting themes will be the delivery model for the conservation and biodiversity messages. They could be used as a lens to explore content and unify disparate content across all the DSWF education programme.
Based on feedback from our partners, our DSWF cross cutting themes are:
These cross-cutting themes will be reviewed annually, and each theme will only be incorporated into the core deliverables where they naturally arise.
Book your free in person or virtual school talk now
Education is one of the DSWF’s key strategic pillars in our mission to fight, protect and engage on behalf of endangered species across the world. We have been delivering free assemblies, talks and workshops to schools, youth groups and children’s clubs for over 20 years. Find out how to invite DSWF to your school here.
Access a selection of information, resources, activities designed to support both Educators and Students to better understand biodiversity and conservation.
Our core aim is to deliver coherent conservation and wildlife messages, however we do link to the requirements from awarding bodies and national curricula where they naturally arise. Find out more about how we align our offer to current school and college curricula in the UK.