There are many opportunities for a career in conservation with a huge variety of roles.

Wildlife rangers are on the front line of the fight to combat poaching and resolve conflict between animals and local people. If you can handle a rifle and walk 40 kilometres with a heavy pack, you might just have what it takes! Some people even go undercover to break poaching gangs. And all Rangers have to accept a level of risk that goes with the job. But not everyone works directly with the animals: there are lots of other jobs people do in conservation.

Do you like teaching? Many conservation organisations run sessions in schools to help children understand the issues and to encourage them to become future advocates.

Game Rangers International
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Fundraising Charities like David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) need to raise large amounts of money to make a difference for the endangered species we protect. To do this, we host galas, and do everything from bake sales to running the London marathon to help fund our incredible projects and programmes. Being a fundraiser is a complex job with good career prospects. If you are sociable, chatty, personable, hardworking, driven, organised and persuasive – then this might just be the job for you.

Not everyone works with animals directly or has a degree or PhD. Trucks need servicing just as much as lions need collaring. Technical skills are highly regarded and sought after. Your job might support the anti-poaching patrols by looking after the equipment and planning organisation. How would you get 100 truck tyres from South Africa to a ranger station in Zambia? If you can think of a solution, this might be the area where you can make a difference.

CPG Photography
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Marketing and communication (also broadly known as scicomms) is another vital field in conservation work. This is all about delivering vital messages to the wider public, and inspiring people to do more for the wild world. It’s perfectly possible to save endangered species from a desk and an office too. Graphic designers, artists, social media experts, directors, presenters, and camera operatives all worked on this campaign with Jackie Chan to stop the trade in wildlife products.

Analysis of big data sets using simple programming and software packages is a growing field. Information is being collected from a broad range of sources – from radio collars to websites for tracking reported sightings. New technologies are being incorporated into conservation every day. You will have an edge if you can manipulate data and understand wildlife conservation. If you’re able to apply your knowledge of mathematics and computing to conservation, then this is where you might be able to make a difference.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
your passion

If this is something that interests you, think about the things you are good at and the things you feel most strongly about. Maybe one of the fields we’ve discussed is a good fit! If not, we’ve only just scratched the surface.

One way of finding out if a career in conservation is for you is to volunteer. So, why not get in touch with a local organisation or charity to find out about the opportunities available.

Current vacancies at DSWF can be viewed on our Careers page

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Free School Talks

Education is one of the DSWF’s key strategic pillars in our mission to fightprotect and engage on behalf of endangered species across the world. We have been delivering free assemblies, talks and workshops to schools, youth groups and children’s clubs for over 20 years. Find out how to invite DSWF to your school here.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Education Hub

Access a selection of information, resources, activities designed to support both Educators and Students to better understand biodiversity and conservation.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Wildlife Education

The purpose of the DSWF education programme is to support children and young people to become effective advocates for wildlife conservation and biodiversity’. Find out how we strive to accomplish this goal.