Home Wildlife Education

Wildlife Education

The purpose of the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation education programme is to support children and young people to become effective advocates for wildlife conservation and biodiversity’.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Game Rangers International
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

There are 1.8 billion children and young people in the world today. Their impact on the local communities they live in is sometimes underestimated and under-utilised.

Nicholas Dyer
Jo Mieszkowski
Children's artwork

Many organisations are realising that children and young people are an untapped resource to advocate for change in habitat loss and biodiversity. Our free sessions are designed to help your students develop the skills and knowledge to become effective advocates for wildlife.

  • Each talk still contains lots of information about the species we support and will cover aspects of the science, geography and PSHE curriculum depending on what you opt for.
  • Your children will meet a cast of real people that are working in wildlife conservation across Africa and Asia and stories about the animals we protect.
  • Our talks articulate the lived experience of the people around national parks in Africa and Asia. What is it like to have a tiger or an elephant in your back garden?
  • We have now embedded aspects of dialogic pedagogy in our talks to help the children practice speaking and listening in group settings.

Book your free school talk on biodiversity now

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

The links below show some of the ways DSWF is engaging with UK school children and vulnerable communities in Africa and Asia, and how your school or child can get involved with conservation and learn more about what we do.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Free School Talks

Education is one of the DSWF’s key strategic pillars in our mission to fightprotect and engage on behalf of endangered species across the world. We have been delivering free assemblies, talks and workshops to schools, youth groups and children’s clubs for over 20 years. Find out how to invite DSWF to your school here.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Education Strategy

Find out more about the strategy behind our education programme and the guiding principles and themes we use to achieve our goals.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Education Hub

Access a selection of information, resources, activities designed to support both Educators and Students to better understand biodiversity and conservation.