Home Species We Protect Tigers How DSWF is protecting Tigers
Behzad Larry
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

How DSWF is protecting Tigers

Being one of the world’s best loved and most recognised animals hasn’t been enough to save the tiger (Panthera tigris) from the threat of extinction and despite being the largest of the big cat family it still remains at threat from poaching, habitat loss, and the illegal wildlife trade. Despite being an icon of the wild world, the tiger is one of the most endangered mammals on the planet.

At the beginning of the 20th Century, nine subspecies of tiger roamed the Asian wilderness, with estimated populations of over 100,000.

Yet, in less than a century, tigers have lost 93% of their historic range, three subspecies have become extinct, and tiger populations have plummeted by 96% to as few as 4,000 in the wild today. Find out more about why tigers are endangered.

How DSWF is protecting Tigers

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) is helping to protect wild tiger populations throughout Asia. We support frontline tiger conservation initiatives in India and Thailand, and provide funding for undercover investigations and exposés into the illegal wildlife trade.

DSWF also advocates for a total ban in all tiger parts and derivatives through our participation in international policy conventions such as CITES and via our TigerTime campaign.

Through these vital on-the-ground projects, lobbying at a governmental level, supporting law enforcement, habitat protection, and education and community engagement programmes, DSWF is fighting from the grass roots to the world-stage to protect this iconic species and give it the best possible chance of survival in the wild.

Craig Jones
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Demand reduction

Demand reduction

Demand reduction campaigns around the worldwide illegal wildlife trade in tiger parts, breeding and exotic pet market.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Education and Community Engagement

Education and community engagement

For children and communities living in tiger habitat, promoting positive attitudes.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Anti-poaching operations

Wildlife rangers patrolling, exposing illegal wildlife trade

Fight. Protect. Engage. Fight. Protect. Engage.
Behzad Larry
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Why Tigers Need Protecting

Tigers are a much-prized target for poachers supplying the illegal wildlife trade. Tiger skins, bones and their body parts  are used in unethical medical practices across Asia, with demand being especially high in China and Vietnam. A prized ingredient in traditional medicines, this rampant demand encourages the use of captive bred tiger facilities to provide parts to supply the industry, further fuelling and exacerbating an already insatiable demand whilst increasing the premium on ‘wild’ caught tiger products.

The vital habitat that tigers call home is disappearing. Unprotected forest is cleared for grazing, agriculture, timber, manufacturing, and mining. More and more tiger populations are becoming isolated, leading to inbreeding and a decline in numbers. Without vital wildlife corridors and protected areas enabling these populations to spread and grow, nothing will prevent their eventual disappearance. As their environment shrinks, along with it access to natural prey, tigers are drawn into human-wildlife conflict by predating on livestock. It is estimated that 35% of tigers in India live outside of wildlife refuges, and prey entirely on domestic animals. This can result in resentment from local communities and even retaliatory killings of tigers.

Actions DSWF is Taking to Protect Tigers

DSWF has been fighting wildlife crime across Asia since we were founded in 1984. By funding ranger patrols and law enforcement programmes, we provide crucial resources for tiger conservation in their wild habitats in India and Thailand. These areas are home to some of the last populations of critically endangered tiger sub-species – such as the Indochinese tiger in Thailand.

DSWF strives to protect wild tigers in their natural environment by funding conservation projects that work directly to remove threats to tigers. This includes removal of illegal logging routes in prime tiger habitats and rehabilitation of the environment, ensuring illegal activity and that human presence in protected areas doesn’t affect wild tiger populations. DSWF’s support has also directly safeguarded a population of Indochinese tigers in Thailand’s Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest complex, which was in critical danger of disappearing altogether. We worked with our conservation partners on the ground to better equip and train new ranger teams – an important project we are committed to supporting and funding long term.

Education and community engagement are fundamental in ensuring a sustainable future for both people and wildlife, and DSWF currently funds multiple education programmes and art competitions for children living in tiger habitat, promoting positive attitudes towards these majestic big cats.  The ‘Tiger Goes to School’ educational programme we support in Assam, India, reaches over 1,600 children a year.

Behzad Larry
Close up of tiger face, tiger print, fur

How You Can Help Protect Tigers

The quickest and easiest way to help protect tigers is to support the work we do. You can donate or adopt a tiger directly through DSWF. Either way, your support will go where it is most needed – equipping ranger teams, funding new research, enabling government lobbying to continue, and safeguarding vital tiger habitats in the wild.

You can also help protect tigers by proactively supporting new legislation that prevents the import of tiger products and trophies. Sharing relevant posts and stories on social media (you’ll find plenty on our channels!), also helps raise awareness and keeps the conversation current.

It’s also important to change the narrative. Although tiger conservation in India is reporting promising conclusions, there are still huge barriers to overcome both there and across the rest of Asia. We are in real danger of losing both the Indochinese and Amur tiger within our lifetime, if we don’t turn the tide on extinction.

With your donations DSWF will continue to support

  • Wildlife rangers patrolling vital habitats to deter illegal poaching and hunting activity
  • Undercover investigations and exposés into the illegal wildlife trade
  • Campaigns to end the trade in tiger parts and derivatives
  • Fighting to ensure the closure of all captive tiger breeding facilities
  • Monitoring key wild tiger populations to ensure viable and safe breeding conditions in their natural habitat
  • Education awareness initiatives across local communities living alongside and most affected by wild tigers
  • Judicial and legal workshops into the impact of the illegal wildlife trade and how best to ensure successful prosecutions and convictions for those engaging in illegal activity.

You can support our work to save endangered animals from extinction by adopting today.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

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