David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

How do tigers catch their prey?

Solo hunters

Tigers like to live alone. They are very sneaky hunters, using their striped fur to blend in with the grass and trees so their prey doesn’t see them coming. Did you know they use their whiskers to feel which way the wind is blowing? That way, their smell doesn’t give them away! Tigers are super strong and can jump as far as nine meters to catch their dinner – that’s as long as a London bus!

Craig Jones

What special skills do tigers have?

Great eyes and strong legs

Tigers have amazing eyesight — six times better than humans in the dark! Their long back legs make them excellent jumpers, and their padded paws help them sneak quietly. Plus, their stripes act like camouflage, helping them hide from their prey. Fun fact: their skin has stripes, too, not just their fur!

Did you know tigers can copy other animals?

Copy cats

Tigers are great at copying sounds! Sometimes, they mimic the calls of animals like deer to trick them into coming closer. Imagine a tiger pretending to be a deer — it’s like playing a sneaky game of hide and seek!

Image credit Wirestock on Freepik

How much do tigers need to eat?

Lots and lots of meat

Tigers are meat-eaters and can eat up to 34 kilograms of meat in one meal — that’s like eating 450 sausages! They love munching on deer, buffalo, and even wild pigs. But if food is hard to find, tigers can go two whole weeks without eating!

Craig Jones
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

How do tiger mums raise their young?

Their babies are called cubs

Tiger mums have 1–3 cubs at a time and raise them all on their own. Tiger cubs don’t open their eyes for the first week, and by the time they’re 18 months old, they leave their mother to find their own home. Cub playtime isn’t just fun — it’s practice for hunting!

Arka Ghosh

How do tigers talk to each other?

They communicate through roars and chuffs

Tigers make lots of cool sounds to talk to each other. Their roars are so loud, they can be heard 3 kilometres away (about the length of 28 football pitches)! They also make a softer sound called a “chuff” to say hello to other tigers. And their tail movements, like swishing, can tell you if they’re feeling happy or grumpy.

Surya Ramachandran
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Why are the number of tigers getting smaller?

They’re endangered animals

There are only about 3,800 tigers left in the wild. That’s because people are cutting down their forests and hunting them for their fur and bones. Tigers need our help to survive. By protecting their homes, we can keep these amazing animals safe for future generations.

Enjoying learning about tigers? We have more tiger facts for you here.

Protect tigers, protect our planet

Tigers are amazing animals and the largest of the big cat family! They keep forests healthy by eating deer, which stops them from eating too many young trees, helping forests grow and stay strong.

Be green, save tigers!

You can take small steps to protect the planet — every action helps tigers and the forests they call home. Learn how you can make a difference!

Speak Up for Tigers!

You can help tigers by using your voice to spread awareness about the challenges tigers face and inspire others to join the fight to save these magnificent animals.

Adopt a Tiger

Want to help protect these magnificent animals? You can adopt a tiger, from as little as £3, and contribute to their conservation! Your support will help organisations like DSWF continue their work to ensure a future for tigers. Visit our Adopt a Tiger page to learn how you can make a difference!

Behzad Larry