Painted dogs are known by many names, but how much do you know about them? You can find out more in our FAQs below.
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Painted dogs are canines, so true members of the dog family. However, they sit within their own group, as they have different dentition to typical dogs (adapted to their predominantly carnivorous diet), as well as lacking dew claws.
They are also pack hunters, forming large family groups led by a dominant pair. Groups of same-sex adults will split off from larger packs to form new breeding groups.
There are 39 sub-populations of painted dog
Weighing up to 36kg, painted dogs are the largest canines in Africa.
is the No. of mature individuals in population (21% of overall number)
We cover this in more detail here, but in short, painted dogs are endangered due to habitat loss and fragmentation, disease, and poaching and killing carried out by humans.
Painted dogs are losing ground to humans, literally. There is a continuous and growing demand for land that is assimilated into new grazing for livestock, as well as settlement and agricultural growth.
Exposure to humans also means exposure to feral, stray, and domestic dogs, which can carry diseases fatal to painted dog populations, such as distemper.
Across much of their traditional range of west Africa, painted dogs suffered persecution as agriculture needs and livestock herding grew. Significant numbers were poisoned and trapped. Even in their existing strongholds today, snaring and trapping of painted dogs is a severe threat to vulnerable and isolated populations.
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Painted dogs are one of the most threatened predators in Africa, with fewer than 6,000 painted dogs remaining across the continent in 39 sub-populations.
Painted dogs can weigh in at anything between 40-70 lbs. (18-36 kg) and can stand 30-43 inches (76cm-1.1m). Females are typically slightly bigger than males. They are the largest canines in Africa.
Painted dogs are specialist hunters that favour medium-sized antelope species. Alongside the cheetah, they are Africa’s only primarily diurnal (daytime) hunters. Gazelles are the most common prey species, but packs will also target wildebeest, zebra, and ostrich. Smaller prey items, such as birds, rodents, and hares might be taken by individuals.
Packs adapt their hunting methods to different prey species. Antelope are usually approached silently, then run down and exhausted over distance. Wildebeest are panicked and rushed with excited yikkering, barking, and howling to separate the herd – so weaker and vulnerable animals can be targeted. And potentially dangerous animals such as warthog and porcupine, are usually attacked and dispatched at the head, to avoid injury.
Painted dogs have been labelled as wolves, as well as wild dogs. Studies revealed that being known as wild dogs was proving detrimental to their conservation, due to an inaccurate association with feral domestic dogs. They are also a separate genus from wolves and shouldn’t be classed as such.
Painted dogs are pack hunters, living in family groups of typically up to 15 members.
Female painted dogs are typically slightly bigger than males.
Painted dogs are highly vocal and curious.
Painted dogs are known by many names, including ‘African wild dog’, ‘Cape hunting dog’, ‘Hyena dog’, and ‘Ornate wolf’.
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