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FUNdraising to save the wild tiger!

TigerTime is an ever growing family of wonderful supporters that all want to do something to help save the wild tiger. Many of our supporters have found that holding a fundraising event is the best way to get involved and raise the vital funds to protect the wild tiger.

TigerTime supporter Michael Mehta contacted TigerTime with the idea of taking part in the Cross du Mont-Blanc 2012 running event to raise money for our tiger protection programmes. This brutal run is 23km long with an elevation gain of 1454 meters and a vertical drop of 474 meters. Michael finished the run in a fantastic 4 hours and 23 minutes. He said that is was “a time that would hardly trouble the winner, but for me it was the taking part that mattered – which gave me the opportunity to raise some much needed funds for TigerTime”. When asked why he chose to support TigerTime, Michael explained “the tiger is being pushed to the edge of extinction, it needs extra protection. The TigerTime campaign needs our support to save this top predator before it is too late”.

Animal lover Joanne Humphreys also recently completed an incredible feat to raise funds for TigerTime. Joanne climbed the 11.7 miles to the top of Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the British Isles standing at 1,344 meters. She completed the climb in an incredible 3 hours and 15 minutes. Joanne said “the climb was quite strenuous as there are virtually no flat areas” but that she was glad to have been able to raise much needed funds for TigerTime. Joanne explained that she wanted to fundraise for TigerTime because “there is no justification to kill tigers. It is not proven by any scientific trials that using tiger parts cures any human ailments and therefore there is no excuse”.

Michael raised £231 and Joanne raised £422 for TigerTime. We could not be more grateful for the amazing effort that they both gave to raise money that will make a real difference in saving the wild tiger.

It is not just these two events that have been taking place – Many of you have been putting on cake sales, fun runs and other great events to help us save the tiger! To all of those that have held an event, taken part or sponsored someone – Thank You!

All funds go towards our tiger protection programmes in India, Russia and Thailand as well as undercover investigations into the illegal tiger trade.

Do you want to join in the FUNdraising? Get involved and download our fundraising pack here.

Written by: Chantelle M Henderson

With thanks to: Michael Mehta and Joanne Humphreys