Home News Anti-Poaching Celebrate World Female Ranger Day – Breaking Stereotypes 

Celebrate World Female Ranger Day – Breaking Stereotypes 

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Join us to celebrate the very special women in conservation, dedicating their lives to protect our beloved wildlife and wild spaces! Today aims to promote gender equality, inspire young women to pursue careers in conservation, and raise awareness about the vital role female rangers play in safeguarding our natural resources.  

The common public perception of rangers is often limited to men, but while this may have once been true, it’s no longer the case! We’re delighted there are more women on the conservation frontline than ever, working to break stereotypes by taking on an array of diverse roles.  

It’s true women rangers still have a particularly hard time in roles traditionally seen as “men’s jobs”. Women work even harder to compete with norms and pursue careers in an environment that can be physically challenging, highly insecure at times, and can make it difficult to juggle other important roles, such as motherhood.  

Image credit: Freeland

Meet Winnifred, a Marine Ranger in Murchison Falls National Park. When she saw the recruitment announcement after completing school, she leapt at the opportunity and was fortunate to be selected to join the force. Inspired by her father, whose career involved arresting poachers, she wanted to be part of the solution to protect wildlife.   

After many months of training, she is now the only female Marine Ranger in Murchison. However, it is an achievement that comes with sacrifice, as she is often away from her young child for extended periods when she goes on patrols.   

Image credit: Uganda Conservation Foundation

Christine, an Operations Room Operator, joined when she lost her husband in an accident and is happy that because of her work, her children are in school, and she hopes to inspire more people to join wildlife conservation.   

Image credit: Uganda Conservation Foundation

We’d also like to spotlight the dedicated locals and brave female rangers who work in groups to protect the free-roaming black rhinos in Namibia, patrolling the often-hostile conditions and landscapes to protect wildlife.  

Image credit: Save the Rhino Trust

These women are vital cogs in our mission to turn the tide on extinction and we’re enormously proud they have chosen to serve their country and wildlife in this role.  

If you’d like to support the Ranger teams, including the wonderful women in wildlife we’ve introduced above, you can sponsor a DSWF funded ranger from just £3 per month here.  

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