DSWF is working under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), to eliminate the commercial exploitation of wildlife where it is not ecologically biologically or culturally sustainable. Furthermore, we are campaigning to end the exploitation of any species that pose a risk to human health.  

What is the CBD?

CBD is a United Nations international agreement between governments with three main official goals: the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from genetic resources.

The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

In 2018, the CBD Conference of the Parties (the governing body of the convention), set out a process to develop a post-2020 global biodiversity framework. The intention was for the framework to set out an ambitious plan for governments to help transform society’s relationship with biodiversity.

After considerable delays due to the pandemic, the Post 2020- Global Biodiversity Framework (now known formally as the “Kunming-Montreal Global biodiversity framework” GBF) was adopted at CBD CoP15, in December 2022. The measures agreed are contained in four long-term goals for 2050, and 23 action-oriented targets to be initiated immediately and completed by 2030. The framework has the potential of speeding up and enhancing biodiversity conservation and protection measures, mainstreaming sustainability criteria into a broad range of social and economic policies. It should also upscale finance dedicated to conservation, protection, and restoration.

Despite the GBF outcome being better than expected, it still lacks the level of ambition required to achieve the ultimate objective of humans living in harmony with nature. Like all international agreements of this nature, a key element will be ensuring effective monitoring of progress to ensure what has been agreed is implemented. Ensuring the necessary finance is secured for biodiversity conversation will also be a challenge. As we have seen with other international agreements, such as the climate COP, financial pledges are often not delivered.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

What does DSWF do at CBD?

DSWF experts attend crucial CBD meetings, working with other likeminded organisations to engage governments – providing pressure and evidence-based arguments on why bolder, more ambitious initiatives are needed. In upcoming meetings, we will monitor closely the implementation of the framework, focusing intently on targets dealing with the exploitation, trade, and use of wild species – and on reducing zoonotic disease risk.

Effective monitoring of the implementation is crucial, given not even one of the 20 biodiversity targets agreed for the previous decade in 2010 have been fully met – with no apparent consequences. The targets set by the CBD in the previous decade (2000) were also not met, further highlighting the need for our voice to be louder than ever.

Find out more about CBD on their official website:

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), DSWF works on various wildlife trade issues, sending qualified representatives to international meetings to lobby on issues such as the trade-in wildlife parts and compliance and enforcement issues. Find out more.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
International Wildlife Law & Policy

Through tireless dedication, DSWF has influenced policy, shifted attitudes and provided an unwavering voice for the conservation of endangered species since 1984. Find out more here.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Climate Change & Conservation

DSWF operate in some of the countries that are likely to be hit the hardest by the climate crisis despite them doing almost nothing to cause it, and we work with communities that are amongst the most vulnerable to its impacts.  Our project partners are already reporting dramatic and negative changes to the climate in areas they work in. Find out more here.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

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