You can save an iconic species with just £3 a month. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but we make every penny count.
We can protect wildlife and prevent habitat loss, promote human-wildlife coexistence and enable wildlife ranger training to prevent wildlife crime. From education to law enforcement, we can do a lot with £3 per month. Imagine what we can do with more.
Or, opt to receive a digital adoption pack via email for a zero waste gift. Includes: Personalised certificate, factsheet and bio sheet, photo and digital screensaver.
Adoptions start from £3 a month or a one-off fee of £36 for the year.
*For adoptions of £5 a month or £47 a year + you can opt to receive a beautiful, handknitted toy.
Physical adoption packs are only available within the UK (Digital packs are available internationally). Parcels are sent 2nd class untracked with Royal Mail.
Browse our different types of adoptions below.
Elephants are killed each year for their ivory.
Our adoption toys are made by women from remote villages in Zambia and Zimbabwe, providing them with dignified income. Each and every toy is lovingly hand-crocheted by over 100 women across the country.
*Toys available in adoptions of £5 per month or £47 a year and over.
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation focuses support on eight iconic species. Our adoptions of these species enable us to make a real difference to key projects on a long-term basis. Some of these species have been associated with us from the very beginning. Our founder, the wildlife artist David Shepherd CBE, was known as the ‘man who loved giants’, as elephants were one of his favourite subjects to paint. Others, like the pangolin, have come under our spotlight more recently for the wrong reason – being dangerously close to extinction. Adopt today to help provide long term conservation for endangered species.
“Thank you very much for the beautiful Adoption Pack. I absolutely love how beautifully it is made, with all the information about the species as well as a personal (and a very touching) story of Chamilandu that makes me feel really close to her. When I received the Adoption Pack yesterday, it totally made my day.”
“Our adopters have enabled us to support vital projects year-on-year. Together, we’ve seen Zambia’s first wild-born calf from an elephant raised by an orphanage take its first steps. We’ve celebrated a snow leopard super mum and raced alongside painted dogs, and seen a son replace a father in the ranks. These are animals our adopters have personally made a difference for, giving them the protection they need in their fragile and shrinking world.”
Georgina Lamb, CEO, David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation.