WAY Sketch for Wildlife – Polar Bear by Cole Stirling

Drawing, Original | 28.5 × 23.5 cm | Framed, Postcard


1 in stock

#SKETCHFORWILDLIFE: Each year, the talented artists who take part in DSWF Wildlife Artist of the Year are invited to participate in #SketchForWildlife. These small postcard sized original artworks give everyone a chance to own a totally unique piece of work, by a highly sought-after collection of artists.

The postcards have always been extremely popular and we hope you will support this initiative. The subject and medium of the postcard has been left entirely up to the artist, just being their own celebration of the natural world.

100% of the proceeds from this sale will support the charitable work of David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) and our ground-based conservation partners across Africa and Asia.


Shipping to a UK address is included in the purchase price of this artwork, however it is recommended that the buyer picks up this piece from our office in Shalford, due to it being framed with glass.

International shipping is not included. For international delivery, a DSWF member of staff will contact you after your purchase to arrange a shipping quote. Import/export costs may also be payable for international deliveries. If you need a shipping quote prior to making a purchase, please email dswf@davidshepherd.org with details of the artwork you are interested in, and the delivery address.

Cole Stirling

Born and raised in Zimbabwe, Cole’s passion for the wilds of Africa started at an early age. Some of his earliest memories include waking up for early morning drives in Hwange National Park or sitting for hours at one of the numerous waterholes, to see what came to drink. Cole was in his element. Art came as a by-product of this love for nature and a way to express this passion. From childhood, Cole was sketching my favourite animals, trying to replicate pictures from the numerous field guides he had started to collect.