Railway Sketch from Life 73089

Original, Painting | 76 × 51 cm | Unframed


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Oil on canvas only.

At the end of the era of steam, David took many photos as well as painting many sketches. This is one of his paintings that remained in his attic for many years and is the first time of going on sale. Here David sketched from life the 73089. Here, David captures the sunbeams as they bounced down into the darkened filthy shed. David often sketched on site since he was inspired by the atmospheric sounds and smells. As he quoted ‘Immersing myself in the working environment gave me insights that I could never achieve remotely and I continued to think of my photographs as adjuncts or tools to supplement my artistic work rather than something in their own right. This is perhaps one of my more successful sketches as there was no panic that the engine might be towed away at any minute. The white stripe is in fact sunlight catching the edge of the inspection pit, giving the painting an extra interest in amongst all the smoke.’

Please contact us at dswf@davidshepherd.org or call on 01483 272323 for pricing and further information.


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