Home News Education Wild Facelift for Fundraising Elephant!

Wild Facelift for Fundraising Elephant!

St Catherine's School - winning designer and fundraising collection elephant

Young art lovers from a Surrey school have helped give DSWF’s old elephant donation collection box a wild new look.

The students from the art club at St Catherine’s School in Bramley held a competition to create the design for the elephant’s paint job.

The winner was an eye-catching pattern dreamed up by 13-year-old Leah. Her clever design is made up of a mosaic of animal markings, including tiger stripes, leopard spots and giraffe patchwork.

The students then picked up their paintbrushes and set about bringing the old elephant back to life with its brand new coat of many colours.

But a new look elephant needed a brand new name – so DSWF turned to its supporters for ideas. After an appeal on social media, more than 30 names were suggested!

And after much deliberation, DSWF’s smart new elephant has been named Bramley – an apt choice we hope you’ll agree.

Look out for Bramley the elephant donation collection box over the coming months – not only will she be taking pride of place at our Shalford HQ, she will also be packing her trunk and heading out to DSWF events.

If you spot her, please remember to feed her generously – she likes coins but loves notes!

To help our work protecting elephants please donate here.

Fundraising elephant collection box