Home News The EU Ivory Trade: Have your Say

The EU Ivory Trade: Have your Say

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

On Thursday 28 January 2021, the European Commission published new draft measures aiming to effectively ban the trade in ivory throughout the European Union (with limited exemptions). This move, at last, shows the EU acknowledging the very real threat that the global ivory trade poses to elephants.

Following these new draft measures, the European Union (EU) is now calling on the public to participate in an online consultation and provide their feedback.

This presents an ideal opportunity for you to add your voice and help close the EU domestic ivory market once and for all.

The African elephant is one of the world’s most iconic animals, yet they are being killed for their ivory at an unsustainable rate across the continent. Since 1970, African elephant populations have declined by 70% and an elephant is killed every 20 minutes for its tusks.

Despite these horrifying statistics, progress is being made. China, the UK and the USA are among a growing list of countries who are introducing and enforcing comprehensive domestic ivory bans to protect elephants. Now is the time for the EU to follow suit.

Here’s how you can contribute:

Fill in the EU Commissions online consultation by clicking the button above and highlighting that you:

  • Support the closure of the EU’s domestic ivory market, the world’s largest
  • Want the EU to limit the antique ivory trade so that only minimal exceptions are allowed
  • Recommend that the European Commission assess the effectiveness of the adopted measures on a regular basis and share the information publicly.

Thank you on behalf of everyone at DSWF for helping us protect elephants and ensuring a world where humans and wildlife can peacefully coexist.

Georgina Lamb – Chief Executive