Home News Pangolin Pilot Project Complete!

Pangolin Pilot Project Complete!

The pilot project for the first ever pangolin protection programme in Uganda is now complete!

DSWF has supported our Project Partners Uganda Conservation Foundation (UCF) to conduct a pilot project of the first ever pangolin protection programme in Uganda. It is with great pleasure that we can announce the completion of the project, which has formed the initial building blocks for the future development of a specific policy for protecting pangolins, as well as training staff and drafting standard operating procedures (SOP’s) for the Ugandan Wildlife Authority (UWA) and other operational staff.

The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) is committed to supporting pangolin projects across Africa and Asia to better understand their populations and how best to protect them. From funding initiatives in Africa, to demand reduction campaigns in Vietnam and China, DSWF adopts a holistic approach to protecting these curious creatures, making sure we are fighting wildlife crime from source to market place.

Pangolins have been classified as the world’s most trafficked mammal with estimates of over a million being poached from the wild in the last decade. Click here to find out more about our work with Pangolins.