Home News Origami Pangolins!

Origami Pangolins!

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

This Saturday 16 February is World Pangolin Day – Can you help us get the world talking about these incredible creatures?

Whether you know about pangolins or not, the stark reality is that these amazing animals are on a fast track to extinction and are being poached, killed, live-trafficked and eaten on a daily basis while their scales are used for leathers or traditional medicines despite having no proven medicinal value. Please help us raise awareness for the world’s most trafficked animal.

We’re making origami pangolins to spread the pangolin message and celebrate these curious creatures!  Here’s a tutorial to help get you started – get practicing, folding and crafting and share your paper pangolins with us on World Pangolin Day. Tag us on social media @DSWFWildlife using the hashtags #UniteForPangolins #OrigamiPangolins and let us know where you are in the world!

The more people who know about pangolins and the more people who donate to protect them, the bigger the impact we can have to save our planet’s pangolins!

What can you do to help?

We are sorry to share the distressing images below and hope that our supporters understand the need to let the world know of the illegal wildlife trade obliterating pangolin populations across Africa and Asia. The screenshots are from a BBC News article yesterday courtesy of Traffic – you can read the article at https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-47200816.

Pangolins, despite being so unknown, are trafficked more than any other animal in the world. It is estimated that one million individuals were illegally trafficked over the last decade. At DSWF we work at all levels of the illegal wildlife chain to protect these amazing species. We are funding demand reduction campaigns in Asia aimed at changing consumer behaviours and at educating people about the plight of the pangolin. We also fund ground-based work in Africa to ensure pangolins remain as protected as possible in the wild and that those tasked with protecting them are as well trained and equipped as possible in pangolin specific conservation techniques.

Find out more about pangolins!