Home News Top tips from David Shepherd to inspire your Wildlife Artist of the Year entry

Top tips from David Shepherd to inspire your Wildlife Artist of the Year entry

The deadline for the 2017 DSWF Wildlife Artist of the Year is getting closer. You still have until February 20th to enter so don’t miss out on being part of this year’s event – you could win £10,000!

If you need some inspiration here are some top tips from wildlife artist and conservationist David Shepherd:

1.  Always make sure you have plenty of reference material to choose from.

2. If possible, try and sketch your subject from life, but a camera is always a useful backup if this isn’t practical.

3. Have a selection of canvasses available so that you have the right size once you have decided on your composition.

4. Have an idea in your head about the ambience and perspective you are trying to achieve before you start.

5. Roughly sketch your ideas onto the canvas to plan out the painting.

6. Work in a clutter free environment so your mind is clear to concentrate on your painting.

7. I like to work to music so that my mind is free from other distractions and I find that certain music inspires me.

8. Make sure you have enough free time to work on the painting so that you don’t have to rush.

9. Always leave time to reflect on the finished painting. Turn it to the wall for a day or two and then go back and look at it with fresh eyes.

10. Make sure you choose a complimentary frame to set your masterpiece off to its best advantage!


For more about the competition and for details of how to enter click here

David Shepherd artsist
David Shepherd in his studio by Becky Thomas