New David Shepherd DVD Released! General May 24, 2018 First shown on the BBC back in 1971 and now nearly 50 years on, ‘The Man Who Loves Giants’ has been released for the first time on DVD. The film has been made available through Kingfisher Productions, by special arrangement with the BBC and sales of the DVD will support DSWF’s work. The late David Shepherd CBE FRSA (1931-2017) really was a man who loved giants! This 50-minute film, presented by film actor James Stewart, begins in David’s beloved Africa, where he first developed his passion for conservation. The film follows David’s journey to world-wide fame when he exhibited his amazing wildlife paintings at an exhibition and sale in New York. This enabled him to purchase two locomotives from British Rail, saving them from being scrapped. His love of trains led to him starting his own steam railway in East Somerset, bringing joy to thousands – David could often be seen at Cranmore greeting people and signing prints. The film also captures the moment when David was asked by the RAF to reproduce the refuelling of an aircraft in flight – on canvas! The Man Who Loves Giants was first screened on BBC Two on Christmas day, 1971 and it’s hoped its release on DVD will introduce David’s story to a new audience. “The Man Who Loves Giants is a wonderful tribute to a giant of a man, who had a true passion for trains, planes, wildlife and art,” said Lis Speight, DSWF’s Marketing and Communications Manager. “We are thrilled that sales of this DVD will support DSWF’s work to continue David’s conservation legacy.” Kingfisher Productions is based in Devon and produces a wide selection of railway books and DVDs, many of them about heritage railways. To buy your copy of the DVD costing £14.95 visit: All sales will help support the work of the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation. Link copied