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Issue 62 – Spring 2024



Wildlife Matters is the
dedicated conservation
magazine from DSWF

Issued bi-annually, it promises to bring you the latest news and updates on our work to fight wildlife crime, protect endangered species, and engage local communities across Africa and Asia.

Game Rangers International
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

With 19 conservation programmes across 17 countries and 3 continents, you’ll find each edition packed with reports from the field and interviews with key conservation partners.

You’ll also find our 8 core species firmly in the spotlight. From exposés and investigations to incredible artwork and celebrity ambassadors, it’s the perfect blend of conservation themed culture and politics.

Maybe you ask yourself how the next generations will cope with the climate crisis. Or perhaps you wonder how the largest population of free-roaming, desert adapted black rhino can really be protected. Have you heard there are more tigers in captivity in Texas than in the wild – and is that true? These are just some of the fascinating stories we’ve covered in recent issues of Wildlife Matters.

Most importantly, we use Wildlife Matters to show how you can make a difference to the world’s most endangered species. From explaining the complicated politics of COP and other conferences, to showcasing our much-loved adoptions, fundraising, and how your donations make a difference, we’ll equip you with the knowledge you need to be a DSWF wildlife warrior!

As a charity, every penny counts.

For this reason, we’re encouraging all readers of Wildlife Matters, and especially new subscribers to go digital! The costs we save on printing, postage, and packing can go directly to our projects and make a real difference. It also comes with the added convenience of instant delivery to your inbox. Sign up to receive it by email here.

And don’t worry, we know that digital doesn’t suit everyone, so, you can contact us with your name and postal address, and we’ll start your free subscription as soon as we can.

View our past editions here:

Spring 2023 – Edition 60

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Summer 2022 – Edition 59

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Winter 2021 – Edition 58

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Autumn 2020 – Edition 57

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Spring 2020 – Edition 56

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Autumn 2019 – Edition 55

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Spring 2019 – Edition 54

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Autumn 2018 – Edition 53

Contact us now to subscribe to receive future editions