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{{ error }}

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David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

SponsorAdopt a {{ adoption.adoption_type }}

Renew Your {{ adoption.adoption_type }} SponsorshipAdoption

Choose your sponsorshipadoption pack

Personalise your sponsorshipadoption pack



{{ adoption }}
{{ is_sponsorship }}
{{ adoption_url }}
{{ disable_toy }}

Do you want to pay monthly or one-off?

Select an amount

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

An sponsorshipadoption of
£{{ item.amount }}monthly

{{ item.reason }}

An sponsorshipadoption of
£{{ item.amount }}one off

{{ item.reason }}

What’s included?

  • Personalised sponsorship certificate
  • Ranger fact sheet and postcard
  • A beautiful ranger sketch print by wildlife artist Mandy Shepherd.

What’s included?

  • A personalised certificate
  • A conservation update
  • A new photograph

Do you want a physical or digital gift?

You need to be in the UK to receive a Physical Sponsorship Pack You need to be in the UK to receive a Physical Adoption Pack

Do you want to receive a hand-made toy?

Toys can only be added in physical gifts of £5 (or £47) or more. Please select if you wish the adoptee to receive a toy

You are making a monthlyone-off sponsorshipadoption of

£{{ adoption.donationamount }} + £3 Postage & Packaging (for direct debits this will be a one-time payment when you checkout)
Is the recipient under 18?

GuardianRecipient/Adoptee details
This is where the digital adoption pack will be emailed.
Invalid title
Invalid first name
Invalid last name
Invalid email address

Shipping address
This is where the physical adoption pack will be sent.
Invalid country
Invalid zipcode
Invalid postcode
No data was found for the requested postcode.

Invalid address

Invalid town
Invalid county
You need to be in the UK to receive a Physical Sponsorship Pack You need to be in the UK to receive a Physical Adoption Pack

Name on certificate
Invalid certificate name

Start date of certificate {{start_date}}

Is this a gift?
Please select if this is a gift

Gift message
{{ giftmessagelength }} / {{ gift_message.max }}
You need to be in the UK to receive a Physical Sponsorship Pack You need to be in the UK to receive a Physical Adoption Pack

You are making a monthlyone-off sponsorshipadoption of

£{{ adoption.donationamount }} + £3 Postage & Packaging (for direct debits this will be a one-time payment when you checkout)

Billing details
Invalid title
Invalid first name
Invalid last name
Invalid email address
Invalid phone number We may need this to contact you regarding your adoption order.

Billing address
Invalid country
Invalid zipcode
Invalid postcode

Invalid address

Invalid town
Invalid county

Contact preferences

I DO wish for David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation to communicate with me in the following ways.

I DO NOT wish for David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation to communicate with me in the following ways.

You are making a monthlyone-off sponsorshipadoption of

£{{ adoption.donationamount }} + £3 Postage & Packaging (for direct debits this will be a one-time payment when you checkout)
Payment type

Card details
Direct debit details

Please click below to set up your Direct Debit mandate.

As you have requested a physical adoption, your first month’s Direct Debit will be taken in the next few days and will include the postage fee.


Add £{{ giftaidamount }} to your donation at no cost to you.

Are you a UK Taxpayer?

If so, Gift Aid will boost your donation by 25%, at no extra cost to you.

Tell me more about Gift Aid

I confirm this is my own money and is not part of a funeral collection.

I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and I understand that, if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

With Gift Aid, your donation
of £{{ adoption.donationamount }} would be worth

£{{ giftaidtotaldonation }}

Add £{{ giftaidamount }} to your donation at no cost to you.

Please press the PayPal button below to make your payment.


We’re currently processing your payment

Card details