Home Species We Protect Elephants How DSWF is protecting Elephants
Artwork by David Shepherd
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

How DSWF is protecting Elephants

How DSWF is protecting Elephants

Elephants are one of the most vulnerable mammals on the planet. DSWF is committed to addressing the threats faced by this iconic species by fighting, protecting, and engaging on behalf of elephants.

DSWF fights to protect elephant populations by funding law enforcement programmes across Africa and Asia.

By funding park protection and anti-poaching efforts, we enable our Field Partners to provide protection to both elephants and their prime habitats.

Our wildlife policy team also engages in international policy forums, including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to lobby for a universal and permanent ban on the trade in ivory.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Response and Rehabilitation

Response and rehabilitation

On the ground emergency response and rescue and rehabilitation of orphaned elephants.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Ranger support

Ranger Support

Wildlife Ranger training and welfare programmes supporting the brave men and women on the frontline across Africa and Asia

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Anti-poaching operations

Supporting alternative livelihood schemes, funding anti-poaching and anti-trafficking ranger patrols.

Fight. Protect. Engage. Fight. Protect. Engage.
Riccardo Maywald
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Creating a sustainable future

DSWF strives to protect elephant populations by identifying sustainable solutions to human-wildlife conflict, funding research, and monitoring initiatives alongside the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of orphaned elephants who are the victims of wildlife crime.

In Zambia, DSWF has funded the Game Rangers International (GRI) Wildlife Rescue Programme since it was established in 2008. The project rescues elephants orphaned by human-wildlife conflict and poaching and rehabilitates them with the ultimate aim of releasing them back into the wild.

DSWF is also committed to protecting strategic elephant populations by supporting the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect these iconic species, as seen over the decades of support in Uganda’s Murchison Falls National Park as just one example.

Education as a cornerstone

DSWF believes that education, community engagement, and stakeholder participation are fundamental in ensuring a sustainable future for both people and wildlife.

Across Africa and Asia, DSWF funds education programmes and sustainable livelihood programmes for those living near or next to national parks and protected areas. For example, in Zambia, we support communities living on the borders of Kafue National Park through the delivery of the Conservation Club Education Programme and the provision of educational materials, and via workshops and training for local women’s groups which significantly boosts their income.

Game Rangers International
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Game Rangers International
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

With your donations DSWF will continue to support

  • Anti-poaching and anti-trafficking ranger patrols to ensure key elephant habitats are protected from poaching and illegal wildlife activity
  • Wildlife Ranger training and welfare programmes supporting the brave men and women on the frontline across Africa and Asia
  • Emergency elephant orphan rescues, providing lifesaving support to the victims of human-wildlife conflict and poaching in Zambia
  • Long-term care for the rehabilitation of orphaned elephants beginning their journey back to the wild
  • The construction and ongoing maintenance of ranger posts in key elephant habitats in Uganda
  • Patrols to collect snares which pose illegal, dangerous, and life-threatening risks to elephants and other wildlife
  • Educational workshops and awareness materials encouraging an understanding of elephants and a peaceful co-existence for those communities living close to elephant areas
  • Intelligence led operations and undercover investigations to dismantle ivory trafficking and poaching networks
  • Demand reduction campaigns around the consumptive use of ivory
  • Start-up costs and ongoing support for alternative livelihood schemes aimed at providing vulnerable communities with an income source to discourage illegal poaching
  • Monitoring and research into key elephant behaviour
  • Human-elephant conflict mitigation solutions to protect both wildlife and people
  • Emergency response projects such as covering disused water wells to prevent elephant injury and death or road signs to reduce elephant fatalities on roads and railways across India.

You can support our work to save endangered animals from extinction by adopting today.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Matt Armstrong-Ford

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All donations will help us continue our vital conservation work to protect endangered species and turn the tide on extinction.

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£40 could help fund an investigation connecting the legal trade in ivory and the illegal poaching of elephants.

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